My mom made some turon when she was here visiting with Papa a few weeks ago. It’s my 14-yo daughter’s favorite Filipino snack food — she would order this anywhere we ate that offered it, and even when it came half-burnt or soggy, she still managed to enjoy it. She was all-excited when she found out Mama was making this…. though without the usual accoutrements, i.e., brown sugar and jackfruit. She said she doesn’t like putting them in because the brown sugar invariably gets caramelized while you’re frying the turon, it starts to ooze out, it begins to burn, it ruins the whole thing, etc., etc. So the recipe simply comes out to wrapping plantain banana fingers (or slices if you wish) in spring roll wrappers and panfrying/deepfrying them. What I actually liked about this method is not only that the sugar doesn’t burn, but it allows the flavor of the banana to really come through. The lower sugar content also makes for a healthier dish. I didn’t miss it, though I thought it interesting to plate it drizzled with some maple syrup and chopped up jackfruit, as one might want to serve it to some very special guests — street food, though on a somewhat higher plane.