1. Study of the Saints
  2. The Holy Spirit, Virtue and Habit Formation, Service
  3. Scripture, Tradition, Catechism and Apologetics
    This list is currently overkill, so we’ll have to be picky about which sections to cover.

  4. Salvation History
  5. The Sacraments
  6. The Holy Mass
  7. Christian Literature
  8. Vocations/Theology of the Body

Resources for Dad and Mom

Letters to a Young Catholic (Art of Mentoring)
Before I Go: Letters to Our Children About What Really Matters

These books were either culled from suggestions at the 4Real Forum or were used during dd-18’s own confirmation preparation years.

The plan is to use this as the bulk of our curriculum for this coming year (we’ve already been working on a few of these this past year so some are just continuing), only adding Math (Saxon) and Science to the mix. I’m thinking we’ll have to pare down on a bunch of these still as it may be too much even for one year’s worth of coursework. I’ll update this with the final plan when we get back to the US and gather the rest of our resources.

Note August 10, 2011:

We are now in Migi’s confirmation preparation year so I’m looking back at this and re-evaluating. Paco ended up doing 50-60% of this list. I’ll probably have Migi pick just one from each category, since he has a full curriculum as well. Portfolio not optional though 🙂