
From the 4Real Forums:

What Is Unschooling?:

” We choose to live in ways that keep us conected and involved in each other’s day to day lives. ..We believe that learning will happen in its own time and is not more important than loving or hoping or laughing. We live without subjects, in a world where life is not separated into neat little pieces but instead swirls and flows together in ways we could never design….Our unschooling is our parenting is our life together.”

What Does Unschooling Look Like…

I just don’t believe that humans are unmotivated to do anything. I believe that often we’ve been told what to do for so long that we don’t even KNOW what we want to do or how to figure it out and that can take some time and experimentation. And that can be hard when we first begin unschooling because we have to “retrain” our own minds and belief about what education really is while watching our children do what appears to us as nothing.

Share Your Shattered Ideals

I have come to the conclusion that shattered ideals are what it’s all about. They are God’s curriculum for teaching us humility, knowledge of ourselves, and detachment. It is truly a painful process, and a long one as well.

From Leila’s post on Playing and Writing:

You provide the lessons in orthography, typing, word processing, copying, and dictation. You expose them to all the worthwhile forms of reading you can. Offer plenty of paper, pencils, pens, notebooks, play time, and printer time. Patiently wait until they have something to say. Encourage saying it. Enjoy! And that is the secret to laying the groundwork in young children for the skill of writing.