

A lot of our plans for Shakespeare for Yena (7th grade) come from the Spring 2009 issue of Mater et Magistra, which includes excellent material from fellow homeschooling moms, and even a special Shakespearean tea from Alice Gunther, so I won’t be posting those here. Several local families are joining us for an informal (or formal, depending on how things go) Shakespeare study, and one of them with a daughter the same age as Yena has decided on their picks for the year, hence we’re limiting ourselves to these three for now (I’m still iffy about Henry V though), with plans to do more in the future. Nino (4) gets to go along for the ride, I’m sure he’ll love the animated movies.

I’ll update this as we get closer to the dates and plans firm up more. Since this is a casual study, we may just go where the kids take us. 😀

Henry V
Henry V starring Kenneth Branagh
Henry V from
No Fear Shakespeare Henry V
Folger Shakespeare Library’s Henry V
Commentary from Maria Rioux at Mater Amabilis
Waiting to see if The Hollow Crown would be a good fit, to be released in US in the fall.

The Tempest
The Tempest from
No Fear Shakespeare Tempest
Dr. Henry Russell – The Catholic Shakespeare – Tempest
Marianna Mayer’s The Tempest
Bruce Coville’s The Tempest
Folger Shakespeare Library’s The Tempest
Notes and Commentary from Maria Rioux at Mater Amabilis

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar (BBC)
Julius Caesar, 1953 production
Study Guide from Hillside Education
Julius Caesar from
No Fear Shakespeare Julius Caesar
The Young Reader’s Shakespeare: Julius Caesar
Folger Shakespeare Library’s Julius Caesar
From Maria Rioux, at Mater Amabilis
Shakespeare for Young People

Other Resources:

Jen/Mackfam’s excellent Shakespeare reference chart shared at the 4Real Forums
Shakespeare Stealer series from Gary Blackwood
Shakespeare for Children by Jim Weiss
Shakespeare for Young Players from Tens to Teens recommended by Alice G at the 4Real Forum
Stories from Shakespeare by Marchette Chute
Lots of activities here
Bard of Avon by Diane Stanley

Shakespeare Insult Kit
Shakespeare Glossary
Shakespeare for Kids: His Life and Times, 21 Activities – we used this resource a few years back with the older kids.

Shakespeare for Youngers:
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales (oh hey, also available at Netflix)
Someone has compiled the YouTube vids here.