I woke up today to a couple of e-mails from friends concerned about my post from last night.

Just to clarify:

1. When I talk about “disappearing”, I usually mean in the digital sense… as in, just cocooning from the world and getting off all the online communities, etc.
2. I would never consider suicide for several reasons:

a. I love my family too much to ever inflict that kind of pain on them, not to mention the horrific long-term effects on their psyches.
b. I want heaven too much to ever take that route, no matter how bad things get.
c. I do know that no matter how bad things get in my life, there are SO MANY out there who have it SO MUCH WORSE than I do.

So I am truly touched about the concern, but suicide is one of those things of which I can sincerely say: “I will never go there.”

Thanks so much. Hugs to C and J. Love you guys.