A friend was asking for wheat-free alternatives to breading for cutlets so I’m posting this here:

you can use a mixture of rice flour and cornmeal. i blend this in a blender with seasonings until the cornmeal is ground finely, unless you like the coarse texture of regular cornmeal. you can also use an eggless dip of rice flour/cornstarch/water/baking powder/baking soda/salt (proportions would be 1/4 cup each of flour and cornstarch, 1/2 teaspoon baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon each baking soda and salt, mixed with water to consistency you desire, thicker if you’re planning to use just the dip (like batter), thinner if you plan to “bread” it afterwards) — dip your cutlet into that then into the seasoned cornmeal/flour.

if you want to try a lighter coating, you can use rice flour and/or cornstarch. it doesn’t have the same effect as breading but it does a good deal of crispiness to anything that’s coated and deep-fried or pan-fried.