Since we have been blessed to live in an area surrounded by local farms — which we don’t take advantage of often enough — our family has decided to take the challenge and participate in Jen’s (at Life Begins at Thirty) challenge to eat local food, in association with Locavores.

  • What’s your definition of local for this challenge?

    Stuff that I’ve grown this year — which includes tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, basil, beans and herbs.

    Food that can be purchased within 100 miles of my home, which is a suburb outside of Scranton, PA.

  • What exemptions will you claim?

    I need to use things up from my pantry, fridge and freezer. I will try to stick to recipes that can be made with things that I already have or can buy locally, but may have have to get some Asian ingredients elsewhere as none of the local farms grow them.

  • What is your personal goal for the month?

    To have 75% of the food we consume daily be supplied locally.

  • What is going to be the biggest challenge for you in eating locally for the month of August?

    Not finding enough Asian produce and ingredients locally — we are Filipinos so 50% of our diet is Asian/Filipino.

  • Is there a food that you would love help in finding locally grown or locally produced?

    yard long beans, Asian/Japanese/Thai eggplants, winged beans, lemongrass, Thai peppers (which I’m growing, but ever so slowly), other Asian vegetables like bitter gourd (momordica charantia — I planted some but they didn’t make it).

  • Is there a locally grown or produced product that you would particularly like to recommend?

    Today, it will be Eckel’s Farm in Schultzville, PA, phone 570-587-1725. We got some corn and had them with lunch. They were on the small side, but the flavor was fabulous and the texture ultra-fresh; crunchy and juicy which my kids loved.

    Strawberries from Pallman Farms — the season is over but they will be selling turkeys come Thanksgiving! And they currently have a produce market open daily, but I’m not sure it’s locally-grown stuff — I’ll ask!
    Blueberries from Berry Fields Farm — They’re having a blueberry festival this weekend and we hope to go unless hubby’s working.

    Many more that I will highlight here!