I’ve got 5 rose bushes that I haven’t bothered to find out the names of (heh, that persistent preposition again) — and now I found a note in my files from way back …. saints’ and Our Lady’s names for roses! Like I need to plan yet another garden… but good for reference, maybe someday when I have a better feel for the neighbors and won’t be so scared about turning our yard into a Wildlife-Federation-Certification-worthy sanctuary.

My Papa loves roses, and his garden (okay, I should say his and my mom’s, she does quite a bit too) is kept pretty much weed-free all year. This year my favorites were his beans which he grew on improvised climbing posts made from pruned branches. His roses… he’s got quite a variety, I think 20+ at one point. A few years ago I got him a rose bush from Bologna as a reminder of their Italy trip. I keep telling him to plant garlic all around them (roses love garlic) to maximize the space, but he’s not listening 😀 . My mom, OTOH, is growing grapes — their patio is surrounded by grape vines (among other viney things). They’re really sweet — but not seedless. I think they’ll make excellent wine. (Mommy, if you’re reading this, maybe winemaking could be another hobby you and I can get into when you retire!)