
From Project: Sowing Seeds: 101!! Books to Read in this Year of Faith — includes some of my favorites, some that I’ve been meaning to read, and many that I’ve never heard of before.

Poll: Catholics want pastors to blog. Yes, Father, we do. It would be a great way to dialogue, and keep the conversation going beyond the brief small talk after Sunday Mass.

The Great Tragedy of the 2012 Election

The tragedy of the 2012 election is that in this land of the free and home of the brave, many people were not allowed to vote. Their voices were silenced. Their votes were not cast. Their opinions not expressed. Why?

Because they were dead.

I Figured Out the Problem. You. Sigh. Yes, fellow Catholics. We love you, but sometimes you just really drive us batty. And yes, I know that “you” includes ME too.

A Watershed Election. A Weimar Election?

We may need to be preparing for more direct persecution for religious doctrines and prudential norms. The state in effect has now consolidated its responsibility for all aspects of our lives from before conception to “helping” us to the cemeteries as expeditiously and conveniently as possible. The Church will be deeply divided; those who voted for the president will now claim that they have been “protecting” the Church all along. But, in exchange, the Church will need to “downplay” (read, stop) its strident opposition to the now widely approved “rights” that justify these actions. It will only be necessary on a few outmoded doctrines about sex to change things. In any case, those who gets any assistance from the state must conform to all the laws and mandates of the state, including ones that go against objective standards or subjective conscience.

Some Thoughts on the Five Stages of Religious Persecution: I’m not going to quote. READ IT. ALL OF IT. Looks like we are on Stage 4. Oh boy.

Fr. Z’s Reflection on the Election, wherein he talks about frequent Confession and the Four Last Things. Amen, Father.


The Chef that my daughter works for: Mantra on the Hill on Fox 19