Please note that RA 9262 only addresses abuse OF WOMEN, whereas the proper definition of Battered Woman Syndrome includes the following clarification:

While men are also victims of domestic violence, the concept of battered woman syndrome typically refers only to women. For this reason, the following description will follow this format but recognizes that the same or a similar mindset could hold true for battered men as well.

Also note that no provisions for abused men are included in RA 9262.

Patterns of Abuse, Revictimization and Other Related Issues, a preliminary list for those wanting to explore the issue:

Predictors of intimate partner violence revictimization: the relative impact of distinct PTSD symptoms, dissociation, and coping strategies.

Outcome variables of childhood sexual abuse as potential risk factors for sexual revictimization in adulthood

Developmental Psychological Trauma, Stress, and Revictimization: A Review of Risk and Resilience Factors

Risk of Revictimization of Intimate Partner Violence: The Role of Attachment, Anger and Violent Behavior of the Victim

Trauma, Attentional Biases, and Revictimization Among Young Adults

Sexual Revictimization: The Impact of Attachment Anxiety, Accumulated Trauma, and Response to Childhood Sexual Abuse Disclosure

The Emotionally Abused Woman: Overcoming Destructive Patterns and Reclaiming Yourself

The Cycle of Abuse

Repeating Unhealthy Relationship Patterns

Revictimization, from Pandora’s Project

I Seem to Be Repeating Patterns of Abuse

Understanding the Dynamics of Abusive Relationships

Patterns of Violence Against Women: A Latent Class Analysis